The International Council for Science (ICSU) formed the Special Committee on Oceanic Research (SCOR) in 1957 to help address interdisciplinary science questions related to the ocean. SCOR was the first interdisciplinary body formed by ICSU. SCOR's name was later changed to "Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research" to reflect its more permanent status.
GEOHAB is an international programme that co-ordinates and builds on related national, regional and international efforts in HAB research within an ecological and oceanographic context. GEOHAB will encourage combined experimental, observational and modelling approaches......
In 1997 acknowledging the need for better ocean observations and ocean forecasts and with the scientific and technical opportunity that readily available satellite data had delivered, the Global Ocean Data Assimilation Experiment (GODAE) was initiated to lead the way in establishing global operational oceanography.
The Joint Global Ocean Flux Study (JGOFS) was an international and multi-disciplinary programme with participants from more than 20 nations. JGOFS was launched in 1987 at a planning meeting in Paris under the auspices of the Scientific Committee of Oceanic Research (SCOR), a committee of the International Council for Science (ICSU)......