Экстремальные виды отдыха
Недвижимость. Недвижимость в Одессе. Агентство недвижимости Ланжерон


點擊數 2155


L'Ifremer contribue, par ses travaux et expertises, à la connaissance des océans et de leurs ressources, à la surveillance du milieu marin et du littoral et au développement durable des activités maritimes. À ces fins, il conçoit et met en œuvre des outils d'observation, d'expérimentation et de surveillance, et gère des bases de données océanographiques.

點擊數 2157


The name Argo was chosen to emphasize the strong complementary relationship of the global float array with the Jason satellite altimeter mission. In Greek mythology Jason sailed in a ship called "Argo" to capture the golden fleece.
An Argo float being deployed from a research ship......

點擊數 2157

Global Ecology and oceanography of Harmful Algal Blooms (GEOHAB)

GEOHAB is an international programme that co-ordinates and builds on related national, regional and international efforts in HAB research within an ecological and oceanographic context.  GEOHAB will encourage combined experimental, observational and modelling approaches......

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Pelagic Fisheries Research Program (PFRP)

In the school of ocear and earth science and technology at the University of Hawaii at Manda.

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Land-Ocean Interactions in the Coastal Zone (LOICZ)

LOICZ is working to support sustainability and adaptation to global change in the coastal zone.

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The National Centre for Ocean Forecasting (NCOF)

The NCOF mission is to establish ocean forecasting as part of the national infrastructure, based on world-class research and development.
NCOF aims to achieve this through collaborations that align the operational forecasting capabilities of the Met Office with world-class research carried out by a number of the UK’s leading marine and oceanographic research centres.

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The International Game Fish Association

The International Game Fish Association is a not-for-profit organization committed to the conservation of game fish and the promotion of responsible, ethical angling practices through science, education, rule making and record keeping.

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Stockholm International Water Institute

SIWI’s vision is a water wise world, where we recognize the value of water, and ensure that it is shared and allocated sustainably, equitably and efficiently, to meet everyone’s basic needs. Through applied research, policy consultation, capacity-building, and connecting key actors across sectors, SIWI stimulates the development of innovative policies and scientifically-based solutions to water-related challenges.

點擊數 2159

INSTITUTE OF MARINE RESEARCH - Havforskningsinstituttet

With a staff of almost 750, the Institute of Marine Research is Norway's largest centre of marine science. Our main task is to provide advice to Norwegian authorities on aquaculture and the ecosystems of the Barents Sea, the Norwegian Sea, the North Sea and the Norwegian coastal zone......

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