Экстремальные виды отдыха
Недвижимость. Недвижимость в Одессе. Агентство недвижимости Ланжерон


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The National Centre for Ocean Forecasting (NCOF)

The NCOF mission is to establish ocean forecasting as part of the national infrastructure, based on world-class research and development.
NCOF aims to achieve this through collaborations that align the operational forecasting capabilities of the Met Office with world-class research carried out by a number of the UK’s leading marine and oceanographic research centres.

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Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

For nearly a century, WHOI has been one of the best known and most trusted names in ocean science and exploration. Our scientists and engineers have played a part in many of the discoveries that form the modern understanding of the ocean and how it interacts with other parts of the planet, including human society.

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L'Ifremer contribue, par ses travaux et expertises, à la connaissance des océans et de leurs ressources, à la surveillance du milieu marin et du littoral et au développement durable des activités maritimes. À ces fins, il conçoit et met en œuvre des outils d'observation, d'expérimentation et de surveillance, et gère des bases de données océanographiques.

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PAGES (Past Global Changes)

PAGES (Past Global Changes) supports research which aims to understand the Earth’s past environment in order to obtain better predictions of future climate and environment, and inform strategies for sustainability. We encourage international and interdisciplinary collaborations and seek to promote the involvement of scientists from developing countries in the global paleo-community discourse.

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NOAA Fisheries

NOAA Fisheries is responsible for the stewardship of the nation's ocean resources and their habitat. We provide vital services for the nation: productive and sustainable fisheries, safe sources of seafood, the recovery and conservation of protected resources, and healthy ecosystems—all backed by sound science and an ecosystem-based approach to management.

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Comisión Permanente del Pacífico Sur

Coordinar y fomentar las políticas marítimas de los Estados Miembros para la conservación y uso responsable de los recursos naturales y su ambiente en beneficio del desarrollo integral y sustentable de sus pueblos

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Future Earth

Future Earth is a major international research platform providing the knowledge and support to accelerate our transformations to a sustainable world.

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U.S. GLOBEC Program

This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant #'s 0646353, 0440777, 9806381, 0095069, and 1031253. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.

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Sir Alister Hardy Foundation for Ocean Science

The Sir Alister Hardy Foundation for Ocean Science (SAHFOS) is an international charity that operates the Continuous Plankton Recorder (CPR) survey. The Foundation has been collecting data from the North Atlantic and the North Sea on biogeography and ecology of plankton since 1931......

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