Экстремальные виды отдыха
Недвижимость. Недвижимость в Одессе. Агентство недвижимости Ланжерон


點擊數 2525

Partnership for Observation of the Global Oceans, POGO

The Partnership for Observation of the Global Oceans, POGO, is a forum created in 1999 by directors and leaders of major oceanographic institutions around the world to promote global oceanography. Of particular focus is the implementation of an international and integrated global ocean observing system......

點擊數 2650

International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme (IGBP)

IGBP was launched in 1987 to coordinate international research on global-scale and regional-scale interactions between Earth's biological, chemical and physical processes and their interactions with human systems.  IGBP views the Earth system as the Earth's natural physical, chemical and biological cycles and processes and the social and economic dimensions.

點擊數 2699


Le SHOM est l'opérateur public pour l'information géographique maritime et littorale de référence.

點擊數 2980

IMECOCAL - Investigaciones Mexicanas de la Corriente de California

El proyecto IMECOCAL esta diseñado para proveer descripciones cuantitativas de procesos físicos y biológicos que contribuyan a ampliar nuestra comprensión del papel que juega la estructura y procesos físicos en la dinámica del ecosistema de la Corriente de California, en el sector correspondiente a Baja California......

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