Экстремальные виды отдыха
Недвижимость. Недвижимость в Одессе. Агентство недвижимости Ланжерон


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United Nations Atlas of the Oceans

The UN Atlas of the Oceans is an Internet portal providing information relevant to the sustainable development of the oceans. It is designed for policy-makers who need to become familiar with ocean issues and for scientists, students and resource managers who need access to databases and approaches to sustainability. The UN Atlas can also provide the ocean industry and stakeholders with pertinent information on ocean matters.

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The Global Ocean Observing System

GOOS is a permanent global system for observations, modelling and analysis of marine and ocean variables to support operational ocean services worldwide. GOOS provides accurate descriptions of the present state of the oceans, including living resources; continuous forecasts of the future conditions of the sea for as far ahead as possible, and the basis for forecasts of climate change.

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The EUR-OCEANS Consortium (EOC) builds on the legacy of the EC-funded, FP6 EUR-OCEANS European Network of Excellence (EO NoE), which contributed to the scientific expertise and dissemination of knowledge on marine ecosystems in the context of climate/global change from 2005 to 2008. The EUR-OCEANS acronym stands for EURopean research on OCean Ecosystems under Anthropogenic and Natural forcingS.

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Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

The Committee presently constitutes the only global inter-governmental forum where major international fisheries and aquaculture problems and issues are examined and recommendations addressed to governments, regional fishery bodies, NGOs, fishworkers, FAO and international community, periodically on a world-wide basis.

COFI has also been used as a forum in which global agreements and non-binding instruments were negotiated.

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UN-Oceans is an inter-agency mechanism that seeks to enhance the coordination, coherence and effectiveness of competent organizations of the United Nations system and the International Seabed Authority, in conformity with the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea......

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International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES)

The International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) is a global organization that develops science and advice to support the sustainable use of the oceans.

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World Trade Organization (WTO)

The World Trade Organization (WTO) is the only global international organization dealing with the rules of trade between nations. At its heart are the WTO agreements, negotiated and signed by the bulk of the world’s trading nations and ratified in their parliaments. The goal is to help producers of goods and services, exporters, and importers conduct their business.

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World Confederation of Underwater Activities (C.M.A.S.)

The World Underwater Federation was founded in 1959 and by now it comprises over 130 federations from 5 continents. In addition to organizing international underwater sport events it is at the forefront of technical and scientific research and development. It can be associated with elaborating one of the oldest and most extensive dive training systems.

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